We certainly couldn't pull it off without "BEST ARTS & CULTURE BEHIND-THE-SCENES MASTERMIND" (Sandra Butel, our amazing Artistic Director)!
This fabulous festival is created each year from the hearts and hands of hundreds and hundreds of brilliant people. We have a fantastic board, wonderful staff (herded and inspired by the aforementioned mastermind and the extraordinary Ms. Jeannie Straub), a remarkable team of volunteer coordinators and hundreds of warm and giving volunteers. These are the people without whom the festival could not happen. We all work to create this festival because we each believe in the indelible power of it, the magic it creates that sparks and yet somehow sustains until the next year.
Thank you so much Regina!
Kudos too to Jim Elliot for being voted "Best Veteran Activist," Belle Plaine for "Best Singer" and Elizabeth Curry for "Best Bass Player"! All integral to the 2010 RFF!